Sunday, January 21, 2007

OnLiNe NeWsPaPeR or BrOaDsHeEt

what is a newspaper?A newspaper is a regularly published print product containing information vital to the function of the market it serves.

what is a online newspaper? an online newspaper is where you can read news using your internet. What is a broadsheet?In printing a broadsheet is a sheet of paper that is 17 x 22 inches. A broadsheet also refers to any type of large flier or advertisement. A broadsheet size publication is one with a finished size (no matter what size of paper is used) of a broadsheet. both do have advertising.

i have knew that online newspapers do not allow readers to thumb through and physically relate to the organization of the online publication, readers must organize and prioritize their news mentally. Those unfamiliar with the practice and design of the online newspaper might not realize that the spotted owl story was on the front page of the online newspaper but not the front page of the print paper. Inversely, many stories deemed important enough to run on the front page of the print edition are not deemed timely or important enough to run on the front of the paper's Web site.

for me online newspaper is more useful than the broadsheet, because even if youre out of the country you still can get some information or updated news in your country.:-)

wHaT aBoUt HiM?

i dont believe that all aligation against first gentlemen Mike Arroyo is true. Lets take it fair. We all know that not all aligations against him is proven. Im not a pro nor anti Gloria. It's just my opinion.So why waste our time for that' if people until now can't prove that. :-0
one of the aligation against him is that he is corrupt. i have read on a online newspaper that he will be leaving for her wife tyo be not pressured in such alligations against him.
"My husband has volunteered to go abroad ... to remove himself from any situation which will cast doubts on my presidency," Arroyo told a business forum. (
i have knew that Arroyo's husband Mike, a lawyer is a prominent family, has been portrayed as an influence-peddler, working behind the scenes under the president's protection.