Monday, December 11, 2006

oNe voice, one song, one community

oNe vOiCe, OnE sOnG, oNe CoMmUnItY...
"iF oNlY oNe VoIcE wOuLd StArT iT oN iTs OwN, wE nEeD jUsT oNe VoIcE fAcInG tHe UnKnOwN, aNd ThEn ThAt OnE vOiCe WoUlD nEvEr Be AlOnE, iT tAkEs JuSt OnE vOice" stanza form the song one voice sang in choir competition
We won the 1st runner-up in the choir competition, and it feels so good. it made my body shaking and my heart beats so fast and i could not longer hear any sounds but a voice shouting WE WON!
Back when we are still having our rehearsals, we are all having difficulties in learning the tune of the song. That sometimes made us felt bad. maybe because we could hear other colleges choir and of course it made us all nervous at that time. But of course having a conductor like Bodin it feels different. He would text us everynight like "guys dont lose HOPE, kaya naten toh" . and it helps us to be motivated that we can. We can have a good fight. i remember we always pray to God to help us to be strong...and of course we always offer our performance to HIM..
We also get the title "BEST IN CHOREOGRAPHY"..... actually we relly dont expect that we can get the 1st runner-up because were really just competing for the best choreo... just to maintain the title. and BOOM!!!! we got to get the best in Choreo and the 1st runner-up....
You've just got to believe in Him and thank Him for the things that he has done....


Virgie_Bautista said...

Congratulations for winning!