oN mY cHrIsTmAs...
In my childhood stage I used to believe in Santa Clause. Making a hundred of wishes on my wish list. To have those and that, a lot of candies, expensive toys and clothes and even wish to see him personally. I remember how my parents make us believe how Santa Claus watching us everynight while we were asleep, he knows how good we are and if we're doing bad things... Every Christmas seems to be special and worth reminising, Why? Because i have a happy family.we pray together that's why Santa Claus gratns my wishes every Christmas.
I remember how my father thought us hoe to buld a christmas tree while my mommy is fixing the decors. We are so proud and excited! I wish you could see how happy we are.. It may sounds funny but we used to hang all our socks on the window and change our wish list every other night... Hmmm I wonder why Santa gave me a Nija Turtle??? =>
Let me tellbyou the most exciting moment of my childhood... The 24th of December, My Mom and Dad was too busy cooking a lot of foods, when the clock strikes at 7pm, My parents asked us to go to sleep and wake up at 11.30pm and BOMM!!! As my eyes open I saw a lot of gifts under the christmas tree and webelieved that Santa Claus came while we were sleeping and grant all of our wishes. Is it worth reminiscing right?
Now that i'Ve growned up, I realized that the true Santa of my life was my MOM and DAD... Materials and gifts does not relly matters, but the LOVE and CARE that their giving us since we opened our eyes on this living earth. Nothing compares and nothing change until now that I have them, that's why I couldnt blame myself why it seems to be Christmas everyday.
so My very Santa on my Christmas is my MOM and DAD!!! :-)
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